I’m happy to live my lifelong dream.Since childhood I dreamt of being creative in a team whilst making a contribution to society. I can realize this in my work with foundations and NGOs, with artists, musicians and other filmmakers. Focussing on topics such as intercultural communication, political education and other social and political issues.
Born in Zehdenick (Havel), I grew up in Brandenburg, Saxonia and Berlin. From 2002 to 2006 I studied CulturalSciences in Frankfurt (Oder) and Wroclaw, where I learned Russian and Polish. After my Bachelor’s degree I assisted in an independent documentary filmproject about migration and integration in Berlin and fell in love withfilmmaking. In my Intercultural Communication Masters I specialized in VisualAnthropology and trained in documentary filmmaking with the ethnographer Barbara Keifenheim and the cinematographer Manfred Krüger. Parallel to mystudies, I gained experience and contacts in several film projects and workshops, enabling me to go into business for myself in 2009. Since then, I’mconstantly engaged in filming, editing, and developing various projects.